Visiting Canada from the Czech Republic? Don't Forget Your eTA

Updated on Aug 11, 2024 | Canada eTA

The Czech Republic country has the world's highest beer consumption. It is part of the European Union. Thus, it has the benefit of a visa exemption from Canada. How? The Canadian government introduced an electronic travel authorization, or eta visa, for eligible county citizens from 2016, with some conditions. Let us know in depth how people from Czechia can enjoy this specific service to make pleasant memories.

What is Canada eTA?

Canada eTA permits Czech Republic citizens to travel by air to Canadian territory without a visa. It has two benefits: one is the availability of online forms, and another is the pre-screening of candidates to enhance border security. One can roam the "Land of Maple Syrup" for a short-term stay. It is a physical paper-independent process. It is electronically attached to one’s passport. The official will check it and make your arrival smooth.

Is Canada eTA the same as a Canada visitor visa?

  • Canada eTA's form is an online process, while the visitor visa needs a detailed view form with the permission of the Embassy or Consulate.
  • eTA is mandatory for visa-exempt countries, while visitor visas are necessary for non-visa-exempt countries.
  • The Canada ETA application process takes a few hours for approval, and visitor visas take a week or even months to process.
  • eTAs are used for travel, business, or needing emergency medical help for a short stay (up to 6 months). Visitor visas are used for various purposes, like extended stays, meetings, family visits, etc.

Canada eTA’s benefits

  • It saves time at the airport for long waiting.
  • It is a fast, streamlined process that helps people gain confidence in travel planning to arrive at a port.
  • There is no need to roam around the Embassy regularly.
  • eTA has authentically lasted for 5 years. And it is connected to a passport's validity. Passport expiration will expire your eTA validity spontaneously.
  • You can enjoy your vacation plans hassle-free.
  • No long wait for a visa if you urgently need it for business.

How can Czech Republic Citizens enjoy applying for Canada eTA?

First Step

You need to check eligibility with the help of your passport's digital copy. It is a crucial step.

Second Step

Apply for the Canada eTA application form online. For that, the below-mentioned information is required.

  • Personal data (full name, date of birth, birthplace name, valid email ID).
  • Passport facts (passport no., issuance date, citizenship)
  • Permanent home address with contact details
  • Travel information (purpose of visit, flight booking date, history of an earlier visit to Canada)
  • Employment data (organization name, place, and start year)
  • Some security questions for background checks (an earlier entry or permit refusal or denial, a crime record, medical health-related questions)

Note: Every piece of information should be exact, as with your passport details. If it does not happen, the eTA application will be denied. You will get a refusal reason with the eTA result via mail. If mistakes are minor, you can reapply.

Third Step

Revise your details and move to the next phase. Currently experiencing the digital payment era, pay a fee with the use of a valid credit or debit card. Citizens of the Czech Republic can use Czech currency for payment. There is an option for currency exchange.

Fourth Step

Yield the ETA application form; check your ETA status online for further processing. An approved eTA is necessary to visit America's Hat. If you have not received a satisfactory result, then go through with the visitor visa process. For that, an embassy visit is required. The address is:

Embassy of Canada in Czech Republic

Velvyslanectví Kanady
Muchova 6
160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 272 101 800
Fax: +420 272 101 890

Canada’s widespread national parks and numerous lakes located just around its busiest cities make it one of the best countries to explore the beautiful outdoors in the simplest way possible. Read more at Top Places to Experience Canadian Wilderness.

What are the security questions asked in the Canada eTA application form?

There are four types of questions asked.

  • Have you ever encountered a visa refusal or permit situation?
  • Have you ever confronted an entry-denying situation or immediately left Canada or another country?
  • Do you have any criminal offenses in your records? Or is your name enlisted under any serious crime?
  • Diagnosed with tuberculosis in the last two years or not?
  • Put your medical conditions into perspective by choosing options like none, untreated symptoms, alcoholism, or mental health issues.

Note: if you choose the yes option, actively mention the info in detail with the location name.

Tips for an Effective eTA Application Process

  • Passport credibility is vital. It should be valid for beyond 6 months at the time of Canada ETA form filling.
  • Stay duration is the basic foundation of eTA. You cannot exceed your stay after 6 months. not a single day.
  • Travel motives matter. If the purpose is distinct from tourism, and business matters, then there is a chance of denial.
  • All the entered data on the application form should match your passport.
  • Ensure about name spellings, passport numbers, and background questions.
  • Submit your ETA application early before the final day of boarding. Generally, its processing time is quick, but max-to-max it will take up to 72 hours.
  • eTA validity is 5 years on the date of issuance, which gives the advantage of multiple entries.

Wrapping Up!

It is a great time. Do not miss the opportunity to explore Canada's famous waterfall, Niagara, as a Czech traveler. To avoid a last-minute delay, submit your ETA form as soon as possible. If Czech Republic country citizens have ETA in their hands, they will receive a grand welcome in Canada. Contact us if you have any doubts about your Canada ETA application process.

Frequently asked questions

How long is Canada eTA valid?

Canada eTA is valid for five years, but the one-time stay limit is six months.

How do I check if my eTA is still valid?

Examine your eTA status online by entering your ETA application number or passport number along with your date of birth.

Is eTA refundable?

No, the eTA fee is non-refundable. If you must fill out a new form or reapply, in such a scenario, you must pay the form fee again.